WV Office of Equal OpportunityWV Office of Equal Opportunity
WV Office of Equal OpportunityWV Office of Equal Opportunity
WV Office of Equal OpportunityWV Office of Equal Opportunity

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am employed with a local [Company] and have been discriminated against based on my age. How can you help me? 

A: [Company] is a global organization. Therefore, the Federal EEOC will be able to assist you with this matter. 

Q: My employer has shorted me five hours on my last paycheck. Can I please file a complaint?

A: Payroll questions should be directed to your Human Resources/Payroll Department within your place of work.

Q: I am employed with a [Company] based out of West Virginia but I work at the facility in Florida and need to file a EEO Complaint?

A: That would make [Company] a global organization. Therefore, you will need to contact the Federal EEOC in order to file a complaint.

Q: Who is eligible for services from the OEO?

A: The OEO is set up to deal exclusively with state agencies and with state employees.

Q: Who is the intial contact when filing a complaint?

A: The agencies EEO Coordinator or Counselor.​


