The Department of Administration oversees 16 agencies and divisions, as well as provides oversight for the functions of several boards and commissions. On this page, you will find each agency's director, phone number, URL address, and a brief description of the agency's role in state government.
2025 Agency Informational Fact Sheets
These Agency Informational Fact Sheets provide general information, such as enabling legislation, the primary missions and functions of each agency, funding, challenges, legislative matters, pending issues and relevant contact information.
Shawn Coleman, Director
304-558-0403 //
https://aviation.wv.govThe Aviation Division enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of state government by providing safe and professional aviation support by reducing travel time and increasing productivity for the state executives.

Melody Duke, Executive DirectorBoard of Risk and Insurance Management304-766-2646 //
https://brim.wv.govThe primary responsibility for the Board of Risk and Insurance Management is to provide casualty insurance coverage for all state agencies.
Jeff Fleck, Executive DirectorConsolidated Public Retirement Board304-558-3570 //
http://www.wvretirement.comThe Consolidated Public Retirement Board is responsible for the administration of all State retirement plans for educational employees, public employees, deputy sheriffs, judges, and public safety personnel.
Kimberly Weber, Executive DirectorEthics Commission304-558-0664 //
https://ethics.wv.govThe Ethics Commission implements and enforces a code of ethical conduct enacted by the Legislature for public servants.
Kim Nuckles, DirectorOffice of Equal Opportunity304-558-0400 // Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) Office provides expert knowledge to various stakeholders on state and federal laws governing equal employment rights.
VacantFinance Division304-558-6181 //
https://finance.wv.govThe Finance Division provides the financial management of the state's resources.
Kenny Yoakum, Executive DirectorFleet Management Division304-558-2106 //
https://fleet.wv.govThe Fleet Management Division oversees all aspects of the fleet operation for the state of West Virginia, which consists of more than 7,000 state-owned passenger vehicles and aircraft.
Robert Kilpatrick, DirectorGeneral Services Division304-558-2317 //
The General Services Division is comprised of several units, which functions include providing operations and maintenance, custodial services, and grounds maintenance.
Michelle Bradley, DirectorPublic Employees Grievance Board304-558-3361 //
https://pegb.wv.govThe Public Employees Grievance Board provide the employees and employers of the state a procedure for resolving problems arising in employment within agencies.
Heather Abbott, Chief Information OfficerOffice of Technology304-558-8101
The Office of Technology develops an organized approach to information resource management for this state while providing technical assistance to state entities.
Sheryl Webb, DirectorDivision of Personnel304-558-3950 //
https://personnel.wv.govThe Division of Personnel was created to provide leadership in human resource management for the executive operating agencies of state government.
Jim Samples, Executive DirectorProsecuting Attorneys Institute304-558-3348 //
https://pai.wv.govThe Prosecuting Attorneys Institute provides training, service, support and resources to prosecutors, staff and law enforcement.
Dana Eddy, Executive DirectorPublic Defender Services304-558-3905 //
https://pds.wv.govThe Public Defender Services funds all indigent defense for the state.
Jason Haught, Acting DirectorPublic Employees Insurance Agency304-558-7850 //
https://peia.wv.govThe Public Employee Insurance Agency was established to provide insurance coverage to eligible employees, and to establish and promulgate rules for the administration of these plans.
Samantha Willis, Purchasing DirectorPurchasing Division304-558-0492 //
wvpurchasing.govThe Purchasing Division was created to establish centralized offices to provide purchasing and travel services to the various state agencies.
Arlie Hubbard, Executive DirectorReal Estate Division304-558-3062 //
https://realestatedivision.wv.govThe Real Estate Division acts upon behalf of the Secretary of Administration to select and acquire by contract of leases all grounds, buildings, and office space.