Department of Administration
Department of Administration
Department of Administration

West Virginia Ethics Commission Reminder That Lobbyists' Spending Reports Are Due January 15


CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Ethics Commission announces that lobbyists who were registered to lobby during 2014 are required to submit spending and activity reports for the September-December time period by January 15.

In late December, report forms were emailed to lobbyists with email addresses, and sent via the U.S. Mail to the few registered lobbyists without email. The forms will not be sent out again, but are available on the Ethics Commission’s website at

Failure to file activity reports by January 15 will result in a fine of $10.00 for each business day the report is late, up to a maximum of $250.00.  Completed forms will not be accepted via fax or via email because they must contain the lobbyist’s original signature.

Even if lobbyists have no activity to report, they must submit the signed report to indicate no activity.

Please contact Lobbyist Registrar Kimberly Pickens at (304)558-0664 or at with any questions.


Rebecca Stepto