Department of Administration
Department of Administration
Department of Administration

West Virginia Veteran-Owned Small Businesses Now Eligible to Acquire Federal Surplus Property Thanks to State Agency for Surplus Property


​​​​​​​Dunbar, W.Va. - Many small businesses across the country have struggled to make ends meet this past year, but with pandemic restrictions easing and many businesses returning to full operation, the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property (WVSASP) is pleased to announce that f​ederal surplus property is now available to Veteran-Owned Small Businesses. As a result of the Veteran’s Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018, the WVSASP can facilitate the transfer of property no longer needed by federal agencies to eligible veteran-owned businesses in West Virginia.​ 

Although the law was passed in 2019, property could not be made available until program requirements were established. The National Association of State Agencies for Surplus Property (NASASP) and its president, WVSASP Manager Elizabeth Cooper, partnered with the U.S. General Services Administration and the Small Business Administration to develop a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that would benefit all states. 

 “Making this federal surplus program available to our veteran-owned small businesses is a huge opportunity for West Virginia veterans whose businesses have been affected by the pandemic or are looking to stretch their budgets generally,” said Cooper. “The cost savings of acquiring donated federal property versus purchasing that property brand new could be the thing that keeps a veteran’s business open, and this is just one more avenue for us to let our veterans know that their service to our country is recognized and appreciated. It is a way for us to give back to them.” 

As WVSASP works to roll out this new program, veteran business owners interested in acquiring federal property are encouraged to first register with and obtain verification by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs before reaching out to WVSASP. Veteran business owners can apply for verification by visiting, and any veteran not sure of his or her eligibility can take a Verification Pre-Qualification Quiz online at​ or by calling 866.584.2344. 

Any property acquired through the Federal Surplus Property Program requires the veteran-owned small business to comply with federal guidelines, which include putting the property into use within one year of acquiring it, and in most cases, using the property for a minimum of 12 to 18 months, depending on its original acquisition cost. The title to the property remains with the federal government until the compliance period is over, at which time the veteran-owned small business becomes the owner of the property. 

Screening for federal property is simple but does require internet access. Anyone interested in screening federal property should contact WVSASP at 304.766.2626 for login information and instructions, and any requests for federal surplus property must be processed by the WVSASP. 


Veteran’s Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018: The Veteran’s Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018 became Public Law No: 115-416 on January 3, 2019, to provide access to and manage the distribution of excess or surplus property to veteranowned small businesses (VOSB). This law directs the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to give certain VOSBs access to federally-owned surplus personal property, pursuant to a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the SBA, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), National Association for State Agencies for Surplus Property (NASASP), State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP), and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Each organization plays a role in supporting VOSBs who seek donated property for use in their small businesses. Frequently asked questions regarding this Act can be viewed online at​.​


Samantha Knapp