West Virginia Purchasing Division, State Agency for Surplus Property
West Virginia Purchasing Division, State Agency for Surplus Property

Federal Programs

In addition to surplus property retired by the State of West Virginia, WV Surplus may also coordinate the acquisition of retired federal government property thanks to two programs: the federal donation program and the federal fixed price program.


Federal Donation Program

The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 authorizes WV Surplus to coordinate the donation of federal property to:
  • State agencies
  • Local public entities
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Veterans who own small businesses
Each of these qualifying groups must have a current Application for Eligibility​ on file.

While the property is considered donated, there is an acquisition cost listed for each item. Please note that in addition to the cost listed by the federal government, WV Surplus is required by the U.S. General Services Administration to charge a small service fee for acquired donated property and a compliance period applies.

Federal Inventory

The Federal Donation Program offers a wide variety of items. Items WV Surplus often sees an interest in includes construction equipment, fire trucks, industrial/trade machinery, office equipment, and trailers. Additional federal property that may be of interest to participants includes bicycles, boats, computers, food preparation supplies and equipment, household items, lab equipment, lighting, medical, dental, and veterinary equipment and supplies, musical instruments, mobile homes, photography and recording equipment, recreational goods, recycling, reclamation and disposal equipment, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, tires, tools, tractors, and more.

While the property listed above can be requested, WV Surplus also maintains a small warehouse of federal inventory onsite in Dunbar. A list of inventory currently available in Dunbar can be found here. Because the federal program is only available to certain organizations, WV Surplus requests that any interested indidivuals schedule an appointment to tour the federal warehouse. To schedule an appointment, please call 304-766-2626.

The property available through the Federal Donation Program often changes and availability is not guaranteed.

How to Screen and Obtain Federal Property

Organizations interested in obtaining federal property may screen the property at https://ppms.gov using their unique user ID and password. WV Surplus will issue this password to interested eligible organizations with an approved Application for Eligibility on file. To obtain a unique user ID and password, call 304-766-2626 or email WVSASP@wv.gov.

Once an entity finds property that it would like to obtain, the organization must contact WV Surplus to make arrangements for securing the property. All federal property is offered on an “as is, where is” basis, and the requesting organization is responsible for the pickup and transport of the property from its current location to the eligible organization’s location.

GSAXcess.gov was replaced with PPMS.gov on July 24, 2023. Additional training information can be found here.

Compliance Information

Entities that obtain federal property must put the property into use within one year and use it for at least one year (or 18 months in some instances) and may not sell the property, loan it, or trade it until the utilization period is over. Tearing down for parts is prohibited unless prior authorization is given by WV Surplus. Personal and non-use of surplus property is strictly prohibited.

Fixed Price Program

The Fixed Price Program is another way WV Surplus can coordinate the acquisition of federal property. Unlike the donation program, the Fixed Price Program is not open to all eligible organizations. Please contact WV Surplus to confirm your organization's eligibility. When purchasing an item from the Fixed Price Program, the ownership and title transfers immediately to the new entity. Additionally, fixed priced purchases have been exempted under Section 9: Impossible to Bid List of the Purchasing Division Procedures Handbook, so competitive bidding is not required for state agencies.

Currently, WV Surplus is offering police vehicles through this program. If your organization is interested in obtaining a police vehicle, please call 304-766-2626 or email WVSASP@wv.gov​.

Police Vehicles